Magnesium Oxide MgO

  • Alkaline earth flux
  • Has one of the highest melting points of all ceramic oxides
    • 5072°F
    • Starts fluxing action around 2138°F.
    • forming eutectics with other oxides so it can melt at lower temps
  • Melting action increases at higher temps
  • Produces opaque matte surfaces, known as magnesium mattes, buttery mattes, or fat mattes
  • Capacity to produce color is limited to pastel range
    • can produce good clean white with tin oxide
  • Used in recipes with cobalt, magnesium oxide tends towards lavender, while with copper color may blush pink.
  • Glazes will give tea dust crystal effects and if magnesium matte glaze is slightly over-fired it will be characterized by floating bits of magnesium oxide in transparent glaze
  • Very low expansion and contraction rate that may reduce crazing
  • High surface tension and medium viscosity may cause pin holing or crawling, such as glaze called Sperry Mud Crack
  • Has low toxicity
  • Won’t volatilize at ceramic temps
  • Some sources are slightly soluble in water (if acid is present)
  • Insoluble sources are talc, dolomite, and magnesium carb or light magnesium carb (both are slightly soluble)
  • Soluble sources are magnesium sulfate (Epsom Salts).

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