Beginner Glaze making – Shopping List

Materials to get you started

  • Ball Clay 10 pounds
  • Custer Feldspar 10 pounds
  • Minspar 10 pounds
  • Silica 5 pounds
  • EPK 5 pounds
  • Ferro Frit If you can buy both of these Frits otherwise:
    • For cone 6 glazes buy Ferro Frit 3134 5 pounds
    • For cone 10 glazes buy Ferro Frit 3124 5 pounds
  • Nepheline syenite 10 pounds
  • Wollastonite 10 pounds
  • Whiting 10 pounds
  • Zinc 1 pound
  • Dolomite 10 pounds
  • Talc 5 pounds
  • Gerstley Borate 5 pounds
  • Bentonite 5 pounds
  • Zircopax 1 pound
  • Red Iron Oxide 1 pound
  • Copper Carbonate 1/2 pound

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