How to make your Own Ceramic Pencil/chalk/crayon

Materials needed

  • 100% dry porcelain
  • 1-10% Mason Stain
  • Cup
  • Teaspoons
  • Wooden or plaster bat
  • Something to stir and smash with


  1. Smash the dry porcelain into a fine powder
  2. Add 100% dry porcelain you can do this by weight or volume to the cup
  3. Take 1-10% stain and add it to the dry porcelain
  4. Stir dry mix well
  5. Add 25-30% water
  6. Dump the mixture out onto a bat
  7. Smash and mix the clay into the stain so there is no more white
  8. Let it dry enough to start picking it up and forming it
  9. Form it into pencils, chalk, or pastels
  10. Let it dry
    • You can let it dry and use it
    • Fire it between 1400-1500°F for a soft pastel
    • Regular bisque 1800°F is a harder chalk and you will have to push harder and you won’t get quite as much coming off

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