The Ohaus Triple Beam Balance Scale is a great super accurate scale. This is a manual scale which means that it is a little bit tricky when learning how to use it but once you have it will measure things out accurately each time.
There are technically four ways to adjust the scale. The bottom bar, the bar closest to you, measures one-tenth of a gram and 1 gram increments, the middle bar measures 10 grams and the top bar, farthest from you measures in 100 increments.
To tare your triple beam balance use the knob under the degaussed metal platform to tare it. Make sure you line both the arrow and line up the arrow that are on the right side by adjusting the little November. This is “taring” the scale.
Once you have tared the scale you should slide the weights on the balance to get the exact weight you would need. For example if you need 145 grams move the 100 (top beam) to 100, the middle beam move to 40, and move the bottom beam to 5 grams. This may be a little bit confusing.
After doing this add your material to the triple beam balacne scale, you should see the arrow moving slowly up the line on the right. Keep adding the material to your scale until the line and the arrow meet up. You have measured out the amount you needed.
Add it to your bowl or wherever you’re mixing your materials. Repeat this for all your materials.
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