How to make Casting Slip

Materials and Supplies Needed

  1. Specific Gravity supplies
  2. deflocculant


  1. Take the dry clay and add some water to it
  2. Measure the specific gravity of your slip SEVERAL times (3 times)
    • It should be between 172-180
  3. Once you have measured your specific gravity you need to add deflocculants
    • It is hard to say what viscosity your clay should be at but you can tell if you have added too little or too much by these two characteristics
      • If your casting slip has too much deflocculant you can tell by running your finger through the slip and you should see “skinning” a ridge this is too much deflocculant and difficult to get back as you must add more slip and the specific gravity will be off
      • “Gelling” is when there is too little deflocculant. The characteristics to look for is when you leave your slip for 20 minutes and you run your finger through it and you can see a trail that is called “gelling”
    • If you let your slip sit for half an hour it shouldn’t gel or skin
    • Eventually it will skin and gel you just don’t want it to skin or gel for at least half an hour
  4. One more thing you can do once you have the “perfect” casting slip you can use a Ford Cup and measure the amount of time it takes to flow out of the ford cup

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