Bubble Glazing


  1. Water
  2. Underglaze or glaze
  3. Clear Dish
  4. Hand Soap
  5. Straw
  6. Bisque-fired Clay
  7. Container
  8. Tray


  1. Add three spoonfuls of water to container
  2. Followed by 3 drops of soap
  3. Add spoonful of glaze or underglaze
    • Underglaze is sually best
  4. Stir mixture and place clay piece over tray or large container
  5. Place straw in glaze
  6. Blow out bubbles
  7. Manipulate container so that they bubble over the container
  8. Let bubbles pop on bubbles
  9. After underglaze is dry
  10. Add few coats of clear glaze to bring out design

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