Coiling technique

The next method is called coiled pots. Coil pots are made by rolling out long smooth rope like pieces of clay. Make coils and attach them by slipping and scoring to build up your form. Once you’ve gotten familiar with making even coils you can make many different forms and sizes that range from small to large. To make a larger piece like a vase try making a pinch pot, let it sit and stiffen up, and add coils to it.

Making coils can be surprisingly tricky. Take a chunk of clay roll it into a ball and elongate it slightly so it is a little more oval. Use both palms and roll the clay back and forth using the entire length of your hand from your finger tips to the bottom of your palm. Use steady even pressure to create a coil. You can make the coil as long as you would like. If it starts getting to long cut it and keep going.

Once you have made your coil, slip and scored your coils, you can attach them. Once you have a few rows of coils use a rib or credit card/gift card to smooth the walls out. Continue this process ensuring that you don’t flare your walls out. Once you have made the height you want to try and level it out.

Once you have mastered this technique you can make larger coiled bowls, vases, pots, and so on. You can create little thicker slab bowl and add height by attaching coils to the piece to make a vase or planter.

Once you have mastered this technique check out this post on slab building.

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