Making stencils


  1. Paper or tyvek (if you live in the us you can get tyvek envelopes from USPS)
  2. X-Acto knife
  3. extra blades
  4. Printer optional
  5. Clear packing tape optional


  1. Print out your image on a printer
  2. Roughly Cut out your image
  3. Tape it to the tyvek or paper
  4. Use an X-Acto knife or small sharp pointy pair of scissors to cut it out

How to Use the Stencils

  1. For the tyvek stencils soak in a container of water
  2. Put the tyvek or paper stencils on the greenware piece (works best on greenware at the leatherhard stage)
    • Wet the paper stencils a little bit to keep it on
  3. Rib the stencils carefully and make sure that it is stuck onto the piece
  4. Paint the slip or underglaze on going from the outer edge into the inside

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