Nickel Oxide NiO, NiO2, Ni2O3, and Ni3O4

Nickel Oxide NiO, NiO2, Ni2O3, and Ni3O4

  • Strong colorant that melts at 3614°F
  • Used to produce browns, grays, blues, yellows, and pinks
  • Often used in crystalline glazes for blue crystals
  • Used in black glazes and stains for strong black colors
  • Above 2192°F nickel becomes unstable, fluxing glaze, and can form scum on glassy glazes during cooling
  • Material is very difficult to use at cone 10 without running
  • Use with great caution
  • Very toxic
  • Becomes volatile at higher temps, creating toxic fumes
  • Sources are black (Ni2O3) and green nickel oxide (NiO).

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