Pulling a Handle

Things Needed

  1. Hands
  2. Bucket of water
  3. Clay

There are two main ways I like to pull handles one is slightly cheating and the other is the normal method of pulling handles. The one disadvantage of pulling handles is that it has to sit and dry out to get to the same consistency as the piece you are attaching it to.


  1. Take the piece of clay
  2. Shape it into a carrot
  3. Add water to your hands so that the clay slides through your hands
  4. Use a little bit of pressure, using your thumb and index finger create a sort of circle and start to pull
  5. Keep doing this process till you stretch it out to a lenght and thickness desired for your handle
  6. On both thin sides use your thumb and index finger to make it a little thinner
  7. You can place your thumb and index finger on both flat areas that have been created
  8. Use your thumb to make an indentation so that the handle looks nicer
  9. Put it in the shape you want it to be attached and let it set up to leather hard
  10. Slip and score both the piece and the handle
  11. Attach

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