Texture Discs & Rollers


  • Needle Tool
  • Knife
  • Dowels of different sizes
  • Cloth square
  • Pony Roller
  • Ribs or old plastic cards
  • Measuring Tape or ruler
  • Carpenter square (optional)


Sticks, acorns, shells, pressed vinyl placemats (may be ut up), chopsticks, rubber tipped tool, bisque stamps, chip board shapes, foamies, any other found interesting objects.

Here is a video of Amy Sanders who had a great brief wonderful video on how to create a basic disc roller.


  1. Measure circumference of dowel
  2. Cut square out of of 3/8″ to 1/2″ slab of stoneware clay with grog
  3. Place on cloth
  4. Use the measurement taken from step one and add 1/4″-3/8″ for one dimension of the square
  5. Depending on the length of the dowel adjust the height
  6. Apply design with assorted texturing tools
  7. Be careful to keep at least 1/2-1″ clearance from side edges of square
  8. Apply pony roller to one edge to create bevel
  9. Lift slab up by cloth and getly remove
  10. Wrap bevel side of slab with design facing outward gently around dowel
  11. When other side meets bevel, gently encourage smooth overlap
  12. Use hard rib or plastic card to smooth and/or remove excess clay
  13. Tap dowel on a hard surface on its ends to allow the newly formed roller to even the ends out.
  14. Apply rest of design where seam had been
  15. Gently roll across working surface to help release roller and soften surface
  16. Set dowel upright and twist to release clay
  17. Let roller dry and then bisque fire

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