Tin Oxide SnO2 (Stannic oxide)

  • Insoluble opacifier
  • Melts at 2102°F
  • Traditionally used in low-fire majolica glazes called “tin whites.”
  • Unlike typical stark, harsh, white characteristic of zirconium opacifiers, tin oxide adds white to the glaze that may range from soft, warm white to bluish milk-white
  • Considered to be the best opacifier, is used in amounts from 1-15%
  • Is twice as strong as zirconium opacifier
  • In reduction atmosphere or at high temperatures loses its opacifying power
    • May produce rough gray cloudy surface instead
  • Combined with colorants, makes other colors like copper reds or chrome pinks
  • Prone to flashing if volatile colorants are present in kiln
    • Ex. may develop flashes of pink or red.
  • High expansion and contraction, which can increase crazing
  • Pinholes, matte surfaces, and crawling sometimes result due to high viscosity and surface tension
  • Has no known toxicity

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