Zirconium Oxide ZrO2

  • Opacifier
  • Very high melting point of 4892°F, second only to magnesium oxide
  • As an opacifier (comprised of 1-15% Not recipe), particles remain unmelted and suspended in glaze, giving it reflective quality hard white is sometimes called (refrigerator white.”.
  • To temper this bright white you might add .25% iron oxide or perhaps use equal amounts of zirconium silicate and tin oxide to opacify glaze
  • Makes glazes stronger and more expensive, by weight, than tin oxide.
  • Has low expansion and contraction rate
    • May reduce crazing
  • Has high surface tension and viscosity
    • Will stiffen glaze.
  • Usually introduced as zinc silicate
    • Won’t create opaque mattes because contains glass-former, silica
  • Insoluble and has no known toxicity.
  • Zircon, zirconium oxide, and zirconium silicates, including brand-name products Zircopax, Ultrox, Supertax, and zircopax Plus are all insoluble sources of zirconium.

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